PHOTOSCAPES and the EGG is an artistic supernova. Patricia Z. Smith’s fabulous eye for composition and her way with words collide in a delightful and innovative explosion of creative fantasy.  Her sensibilities are 17th Century, but her execution pure 21st.

David Hume Kennerly––Pulitzer Prize-winning White House Photographer


In PHOTOSCAPES, as in COMPLEMENTS, Patricia makes us pause, wonder, and then she lures us out of the conventional into a world as suggestive as it is earthy, as playful as it is ethereal. She dares us to let our imaginations play with reality. She draws the eye, mind, and heart, if they be open, into conversation with the self and into the beyond. 

Hoffman Theron Van Zijl—South African farmer, author of The Veld Journal, bush wanderer


Patricia Z. Smith reveals the universal within the local. She takes down the walls of mystery and guides us towards the everyday joys of life, all the time preserving the dignity of objects and, by extension, the dignity of our imaginations.

Colum McCann—author of NYT best-sellers Apeirogon and Let the Great World Spin


This wondrous book is a study of the elegance, poignance, beauty, and the menace of the everyday things we use that might outlast us and reveal our secrets. Each photograph reveals the tension between the stuff and the story, the mundane and the epic, the ethereal and the practical. Patricia Z. Smith invites us into an unforgettable conversation between what lives, what dies, and what stays behind, by honoring the resilience of everyday objects that hold the complex truth of our humanity.

Karen Zacarias—award-winning playwright, 2021 US Artist Fellow, “…top ten produced playwrights” (American Theater Magazine)


I’ve just received my copy this wonderful book. In this, her second book, Patricia Z. Smith doesn’t just match the beauty and creativity of her first, she exceeds it. “Photoscapes and the Egg” is a photographic and expository delight. It explores the landscape of feelings, thought, vision, and the unexpected through the form of the egg. Beautifully reproduced, the pictures compel the viewer/reader to go back again and again to feel, think about, and imagine each picture more deeply. It is a book to be treasured and shared.

Reverend Richard E. Oliver, D.D.—retired minister, potter


Patricia Smith’s photographs are like dreams to be unpacked. Her weird, mysterious, and intriguing images are archetypal and symbolic and, as are real objects, imbued with history and memory. With a background or sentence she wrote, the objects can fascinate or touch something deep inside the viewer, as well as draw them to the aesthetics of the compositions. Works of art, works of meaning!

Jean Shinoda Bolen MD—jungian analyst, psychiatrist, author of 13 books, feminine activist


I keep this extraordinary book by my chair for inspiration and simple pleasure whenever I need it. The creativity is exceptional, and the images are amazing. I share it with visitors and house guests to introduce them to something special. Everyone enjoys it, and I am sure many have purchased their own copies. It has become my gift of choice whenever I travel and stay with friends. I can't say enough about it. Just get your own copy and you'll see what I mean.

Chic Dambach—world peace leader


Complex, Quirky, Mystical, and Simply Gorgeous Photography! The second book by photographer and poet, Patricia Smith, is a creative encounter full of imagination. The book features studies of objects that relate and are also incongruous, forcing one to look and look again and to make up stories. Who's story? A story within a story, a brilliant piece of work.

Linda Kramer—artist

Someone once said the artist's task is to grab your attention and hold it, something Patricia Smith accomplishes brilliantly. Paging through her books is a delightful armchair gallery tour, moments of art, inspiration and elevation, the gift of beauty to a sometimes fraught world. Highly recommended.



The artist/poetess Patricia Smith can catch a rainbow and wrap it around a bolt of lightening without destroying its luminous colors or graceful arc. That's my conviction after being absorbed, inspired, seduced, and enlightened by her astonishing work "Photoscapes And The Egg." You will be too, and will never look at an egg-a symbol for fecundity, fragility, eternal life, and more-with the same eyes again. Nor at a circle. Or a line. Because her work is a magic carpet that lures you into intricate wonders, shows up the ordinary as extraordinary, and beauty as fragility as well as a force to be reckoned with. Enjoy and soar!

Malve Burns—author