FOREWORD (excerpted) - David Hume Kennerly

From the first illustration COMPLEMENTS: eloquence of small objects is a melange of juxtapositions, contrasts, clashes, and harmonies. There is humor and insight at every turn.

I was struck by what an imaginative and powerful piece of work it is. … On their own the photographs are original and stunning, but by convening them in one place, and pairing them like couples at dance, Patricia Smith has conjured up an artistic tour de force. …

The text for the photos weaves a magical web that melds perfectly with the images, telling their stories and revealing their secrets. The narrative between words and pictures reunites twins separated at birth.

Patricia has sculpted a unique place for herself in the world of fine art. … Her reality is one of her own creation and a product of her vivid curiosity. She is driven to find what is around her that is beyond the obvious. She throws things and possibilities in the air to see where they land. In this cosmic toss of the dice, Patricia has rolled a winner.

David Hume Kennerly—Pulitzer Prize Winner, Former Chief White House Photographer