Photoscapes and the Egg

PHOTOSCAPES and the EGG is an artistic supernova. Patricia Z. Smith’s fabulous eye for composition and her way with words collide in a delightful and innovative explosion of creative fantasy.  Her sensibilities are 17th Century, but her execution pure 21st.

David Hume Kennerly
Pulitzer Prize-winning White House Photographer

The Egg–
created by Einstein of nature

swallowed whole by the snake
crushing it to fully engage
in the sensation of its elements.

There is an egg in every thought
ready to give birth to a whole.

There is an egg in everything–
that’s where the thought comes in.

When it bursts, pure nectar quivers
round a golden disc of a sun,
with a slight bow to variation.

The Egg is the Queen of Form.

–Beatrix Ost, written for Photoscapes and the Egg