Louise Brody - graphic designer

Louise Brody is a globally recognized graphic designer. She has designed more than 100 books for leading British, American, and French publishers, museums, and the international press, as well as working with private clients to produce publications for important events or to commemorate achievements.

I am deeply grateful to Louise for her meticulous care and brilliant "eye" in designing this, our second book, together


Stephen Nachmanovitch - foreword

Stephen Nachmanovitch is an author, musician, computer artist, and educator who writes prolifically on the practice and benefits of improvisation in many fields of activity. His books include the bestselling "The Art of Is: improvisation as a way of life and "Free Play." He is well- known as a improvisational violinist and composer. His openness to letting creativity run through him is an inspiration.

Stephen, thank you for your foreword and your book THE ART OF IS that revealed to me you were the (only and best) person to write a foreword for PHOTOSCAPES.


GOFF Books

Thank you. Gordon Goff, Jake Anderson, and everyone at Goff Books for guiding me from words and photos to a book.