
COMPLEMENTS was the #1 Hot New Release in Photographer Essays through the fall of 2021 on Amazon.


Complements: eloquence of small objects is an exquisite tapestry of tiny treasures stitched together with evocative imagination. Fragments juxtaposed under the creative eye of the artist evoke emotion and a nostalgia that is transcendent. Sensual, delightfully witty, splendidly sublime. This is not a book you merely view or read, it is a book you feel, offering an intangible essence of possibility and hope.

Carol Guzy—photojournalist, four-time Pulitzer Prize winner in journalism, staff photographer at The Washington Post


Seduction is at work in this divine book for the mind to see deeply. “A chick is born, a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. What will you do today?” Similarities and irregularities stop making sense as Patricia Smith reminds us to tap into our senses, the bliss of a moment! Go with her from page to page to exercise the vast landscape of your mind.

Beatrix Ost—artist, author, ambassador of peace, fashion icon and designer


Does it exist, or is it an illusion? A flower, a feather, a slow-nourished nut, a stone created over eons—what thoughts, what emotions are stirred? It is sad, but cheerful. It is tender, but forceful. It draws the eye, the mind, the heart, if they be open, into the beyond, and into conversation with the self.

Hoffman Theron van Zijl—South African author, farmer, bush wanderer


A beguiling series of visual images that each tell a richly layered story with uncommon depth and splendor. Each provokes a smile and ignites the imagination. This is a book to return to and savor.

Sarah Brooks—IBM Distinguished Designer